Does This Start-Up Stack Up? WearEverYouAre Lets You Shop All The Time

Alright, we know that thanks to the power of the interwebs, you can already shop pretty much whenever and wherever you are. But, it's not always that simple when you're thinking about global fashion. Do you know what the best Australian e-boutiques are? What about when you study abroad in South Korea, what are the best sites to order from there? Well, get ready for your closet to explode — new site WearEverYouAre helps you find whatever you want, wherever in the world you'd like to shop. You can use their search engine in two ways: You can simply search by country to discover great new e-boutiques you might not have known about, or you can search for a particular item or designer and find out where you can shop them all over the world. Pretty cool, huh? We especially love that WearEverYouAre also aims to help give young, up-and-coming designers plenty of exposure, alongside larger, more familiar brands. Plus, each shop is given its own profile, so you can check out their shipping and returns policy as well as a rundown of the designers the store carries before you start clicking "add to cart." Everyone likes to discover new places to shop, right? But, tell us — would you actually use WearEverYouAre to purchase things or even just window shop, or are you content with keeping your shopping domestic?

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