Doggie Bag: Christensen in the Dark, Lanphear on TV, and Schuman in Print

pmlinks1023Helena Christensen dresses and applies makeup in the dark because she is exactly that awesome all the time. (The Fashion Spot)
Get under Lyndsey Butler's jacket. (Elle)
According to an "SNL" costumer, even Sarah Palin doesn't want to dress like Sarah Palin. (Huffington Post)
The Sartorialist may soon be available in a bound edition. (Teen Vogue)
"Alice in wonderland. dorothy gail. nonsense and kind. year and a day. trails of glitter…" Yep, that's Ginny Branch. (Racked)
"Unwearable Jewelry"—it ain't what you think is is. (Coolhunting)
Also, she could do worse than shopping at "All American" ma-and-pa store WalMart. (The Frisky)
Look what "Stylista" did to our beautiful, makeup-free Kate! (Fashionologie)

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