All them crazy kids are gonna save retail. It's them or nothing. (PSFK)
The best worst "salesfloor clusterfucks" of the year. Were you caught in one? (Racked)
Russian Vogue editor Aliona Doletskaya may or may not be a money-grubbing, manslaughtering, corrupt swindler, making her even that more exciting than Dame Wintour. (Gawker)
Chirpy liberal TV host, Rachel Maddow is the latest chirpy, liberal Vogue model. Pure love. (Thread Trend)
The Frisky's best male bloggers include Andrew Sullivan, Kanye West, and… well lookie here! (The Frisky)
By following Leigh Lezark's example of almost never speaking you too can cultivate, "the enigma and understatement of a glamorous star of the silent screen." Good luck. (CityFile)
The Kira Plastinia meltdown just gets uglier and uglier. Who let her past border security anyway? (The Shophound)