Wendy Mullin sells patterns to her Built by Wendy collection. Get out your sewing machines. (Fashionista)
Brad Pitt makes "bastard" the new cool. (People)
Speaking of cut and sew, screw your recession, bespoke suits are market proof. Guess we should have invested in thread. (Luxist)
Anna Wintour is also weathering this economic downturn fairly well. (Cityfile)
That sucking sound you hear is L.A. Fashion Week circling the drain. We're sad now. (WWD)
We can't tell if these James Dean and Marilyn Monroe wristbands are cool or a little creepy. (FWD)
Lounge boutique closes. Now how are we going to get from Mercer street to Broadway without getting wet? (Racked)
In other Soho inside baseball, Upstairs is closing, going down the staircase, walking up a few blocks, and going upstairs again. (Down by the Hipster)