Don’t Worry LiLo, The Jewelry is Already Paid For

In one of the most recent installments of Air New Zealand's not-so-kid-friendly puppet show, their furry-and-fanged host, Rico, spent some time with Lindsay Lohan. Sitting on the SkyCouch (actually, inside Lindsay's house, because, you know, the whole house arrest thing and all), LiLo and Rico were shooting the breeze. She told him how she wants to visit New Zealand and he tried to get in with her friend, Kim Kardashian. After numerous sexual innuendos from the fur-ball and some hypnosis acting by Linds, Rico offered his lovely guest star a parting gift in the form of jewelry, poking fun at LiLo's arrest for stealing a necklace from a Venice boutique. "Don't worry, they're all paid for," Rico says. Ah, what's a day without another Lindsay Lohan joke? (Daily Mail)

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