We're model-obsessed here at Refinery, and there's no better site to get our fill than Confessions of a Casting Director. Douglas, who helms the ship over at COACD (with a new snazzy website here), let us sneak a peek into his model-filled life as he casts and manages his brood of beautiful boys and girls.

Above, left: "We love a male model with skill. Coley Brown gives us his latest book." Above, right: "Welcome to COACD at 368 Broadway! Our neighbors in the building are Red Bucket Films, Greg Kadel and PegLeg—very up and coming. Are you on the list? Models all must be pre-approved for pre-casting. Kiel is the keeper at the gate."

Above, left: "Big girls come just for the blogging." Above, right: New girls get lost. It's boot camp basics.

Above: "It's a waiting game. Models are paid to show up and we litter our hallways with beautiful people."

Above: "Boys are always waiting on the couch. We prefer them shirtless."

Above: "Smoking break!!!"

Above: "The girls this season were totally feeling the slut look for spring."

Above, left: "I HATE MODELS. I really do, though it's a love-hate relationship."
Above, right: "Male models can really be very interesting..."

Above, right: "OUR SHIRTS ARRIVED! Finally! Such a nightmare this season, but it's so expected of us to give swag. Candice my business partner is smiling (very rare)."

Above: "Fold those shirts bitches. Don't worry, it's a COACD team tradition."

Above: "Lenz models the latest collection."

Options, its all about options—including panties.

Above: "It's always a good release to test out the boys and see if they are runway ready."

Above: "Bottoms Up!"

Above, left: "Always love some leg. Sabine is MAJOR." Above, right: "David puts down a line to show models where to walk. Just like babysitting kids."

Above: "David gets ALL the girls' numbers. Such a modelizer."

Above: "Summer intern Kitty's last day in the office. Any excuse for Billy's Bakery."