What do you think is sexy for L.A. ladies this summer? Any trends you love for West Coast gals vs. the East?
"I love to wear really flowy dresses when I am in L.A., while in NYC I tend to wear a lot of black."
You were able to regain your flat tummy so quickly after pregnancy. Any words of advice for mommies-to-be?
"Breast feeding really worked for me. I also think working out will definitely help. Plus, it gives you a little time to yourself. My eating habits are pretty healthy, too."
What’s your favorite outdoor activity, and what's the ideal L.A. spot for it?
"I love working out hard at Equinox. Plus, whenever I'm in town, I go for a good hike."
How do you manage to keep your hair so healthy?
"I use a hair mask every so often and coconut oil on my ends."
How would you compare the new Knockout bra to other brassieres?
"I love that it is wireless and so comfortable, but it still gives you the best lift"
What do you love most about being a Victoria’s Secret Angel?
"We travel to the most beautiful locations in the world, stay in gorgeous hotels, visit stunning beaches, and work with the best hair stylists, makeup artists, and photographers in the world."
Photo: Courtesy of Victoria's Secret