There are two undeniable truths about Doutzen Kroes: her name is ripe for spelling errors, and the Dutch model has one of the most enviable bodies in the business. While the first remains true for us (we just had to Google her name. Again.), not everyone agrees on the second point.
Despite a fitness regime of ballet and boxing, some pretty tightly secured VS Angel wings, and the fact that she’s one of highest-paid models in the world, Doutzen doesn’t have the perfect body — at least, according to the fashion industry.
“I'm not a sample size at all”, she said in an interview with the
. “I'm 28 and I've had a baby. I have a woman's body”.
In the candid interview, the model describes how she struggles to fit the tiny expectations of the fashion industry: “At some shows I know they have been using very young girls who have not gone into the change of the body yet—no hips, no boobs”.
While some models would reach to the latest extreme diet book when faced with this situation, Doutzen shrugs it off: “If they think I'm too fat, I'd rather not do the job—because I am super-healthy and fit and I'm so happy the way I am.”
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