As we reported to you some time ago, we're all about the sequins. Like babies or kittens, we're suckers for shiny objects, so when this trend seemed on the rise, we had stars in our eyes. But when we came across an Alesandro Dell'Aqua glittered disco jacket for men that might make Elvis blush, we had to wonder if we'd cross some horrible, pailletted line. There was an undeniable coolness to the look—but then there's also a touch of Neil Diamond, A Chorus Line, and Liberace to it too. Shiver. So, as good as glimmer is for the girls, is it a "no go for guys," or are we about to see the streets fill with hundreds of Ziggy Stardusts?
Above, clockwise from left: Allesandro Dell'Aqua, Neil Diamond, Velvet Goldmine, Liberace, Ziggy Stardust.