We've always wanted one of those cheesy, oversized keys to NYC they give to honor celebs, heroes, and dignitaries, complete with a photo-op with
Bloomberg and maybe a champagne toast. Now, thanks to artist Paul
Ramírez Jonas, locals and tourists alike can earn feel like Manhattan big-wigs with their very own key to the city. This time though, the key in question isn't actually useless—they actually open stuff. Yep, it's all part of this really rad new Creative Time public (that mean's free!) art project titled, surprise, surprise, "Key To The City." It's really an all borough scavenger hunt: Keys can be
picked up in Times Square, then given to your friends if you're so inclined for an adventure that will take you to gates, graveyards, and museums (here's the full list) to open certain doors. At special sites, your key unlocks a reward like an extra helping at Eddie's Sweet Shop, or at Brooklyn Museum, your key will unlock a hidden door on the left-hand wall, between the portrait of Mrs. Sylvester Gardiner by John Singleton Copley, and the portrait of George Washington by Charles Willson Peale. Intrigued yet? Well, take the opportunity to be a part of the art and
find a secret spot in the city. We think it's a memory you might just treasure (pun intended!).