Every now and again, I become fixated on one particular eBay seller. And lately that seller is American Archive, a fantastic outfit based in California that really knows their second-hand stock. Better still, they keep their prices in this stratosphere, which really appeals. Here are a few of my favorite recent listings!
1. Vintage Floral Bustier—Who doesn't love a great lingerie piece like this? So great for layering under a little cardigan.Starting bid, $14.99, check it out here....
4. Vintage Flapper Dress—Such a classic, and at $58 it's a steal! Starting bid, $58, check it out here....
5. Vintage Roper Boots—Justin (and Justin-style) boots are an American Archive specialty. And in this neutral shade of toffee, they're even a little chic. Starting bid, $114, check it out here....
6. Vintage Paisley Trousers—I'm not really a fan of the harem pant, but I think these would be perfect for summertime with flat sandals. Comfy and versatile. Starting bid, $65, check it out here....