I recently spotted an ad for Vogue, which featured an old cover photo from the '90s: the model Michaela wearing a spectacular couture jeweled T-shirt. Which got me to thinking...super-jeweled things feel kind of great right now, especially if they're vintage. So behold...a few jewels from the eBay archives.

1. Vintage Cumberbund Belt—Kind of matador'ish...I like. Starting price: $29.99. Check it out here...
2. Brocade Platform Sandal—Someone with great style instincts could definitely rock these. Starting price: $289. Check it out here...

3. Vintage Sonia Rykiel Bag—This doesn't feature any colored stones, but it was just too lovely to pass up. Starting price: $26. Check it out here...
4. Vintage Music Box Bracelet—I think this piece is cool because it has rhinestones AND a music box (that, hopefully, works). Starting price: $24.99. Check it out here...
5. Vintage Cowboy Boots—Rad or bad? I really can't decide, but I was curious enough to feature them anyway. Starting price: $65. Check it out here...

6. Vintage Jeweled Sandals—The chipped, smeared toe polish is beyond creepy, but the shoes are brilliant for someone with 'lil feet. Starting price: $38. Check it out here...
7. Vintage Bolero Jacket—Hold the phones! Thankfully, model not included... Starting price: $14.99. Check it out here...