Rad Or Bad: Elizabeth Olsen Rocks A Fiery Tiered Frock

Elizabeth Olsen is a force to be reckoned with — this we know. Her career is blazing right now, and her razor-sharp wit, scene-stealing looks, and keen sense of style (not unlike some other Olsens we know) blow us away on the regular. It's pretty clear that this famous sib really wowed us when we spoke to her back in January.
As we mentioned, we usually commend her closet choices — but we have to speak out about last night's little number. Elizabeth rocked a floor-length, long-sleeved red Valentino at the Grand Chefs Dinner in NYC. While we adore the fiery hue, we’re not quite sold on this particular get-up as a whole. Dare we say she looked a tad…frumpy?
We worry that the multiple tiers are swallowing her shape, and the structured bag only ages the look. Maybe it was because the foodie knew she'd be eating to her heart's content? We do give her snaps though, for not stepping out in a skin-exposing ensemble like so many desperado starlets so often do (bravo on that front). But what do you think? Should Elizabeth’s frock be extinguished, or is it sizzling?

Photo: Ryan McCune/

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