"Most of my clothes are from The Row," said Olsen. "And if I'm not wearing The Row, then it's something I saw in their closet...They have extensive, beautiful wardrobes." Lizzie also played the humble card and completely downplayed her own look: "They're classier and more interesting while I'm a pretty basic dresser." While we completely get behind any star with a less-than-inflated ego, this has us wondering: If Elizabeth Olsen is a basic dresser, what does that make us? If wearing high-end designers and borrowing clothes from
The Olsen Twins
qualifies as "basic," we shudder to think what that means for our wardrobe. Weigh in: Is Lizzie oh-so-endearing, or just plain out of touch when it comes to her wardrobe? (Huffington Post)
Photo: Via Huffington Post