Waking up is hard to do. And, if you're trying to get moving without breakfast, it just gets harder. Try these energy-boosting recipes for easy ways to start your days off right. Mmm, granola.
Are you wondering if you should really run every day? Well, you little overachiever, it turns out that you totally can pull a running streak if you want! But, to stay safe in these winter months, make sure you start small and give yourself time to rest. For instance, try running in the morning on Monday but in the evening on Tuesday, so your body has almost a full day to recuperate. (Shape)
There's a lot to love about almond butters and milks. Packed with protein, they're hard to resist. But, it seems like we've been loving them a little too much over the past decade: We could be on the verge of an almond shortage. So, switch up your nut butter routine for hazelnut or multi-nut butters to get that protein punch without as hefty an environmental impact. (Self)
Making big changes in your life is never easy, but 'tis definitely the season. If you're looking to make yourself a better you, research says you should jump on it before you hit 30. Although it's still possible after that, it starts to get a lot harder. And, who needs that?
Here at R29, we are always pro-nap. But, it can be all too easy (and tempting) to overdo the snooze. So, to make sure you get your ZZZs efficiently, don't go to bed. A sofa or a comfy chair doesn't signal "sleep all night now!" to your body in the same way, so snoozing there makes it easier to get back to action when the time comes. (Health)