Remember when we told you to keep an eye on these twelve terrific Bay Area artists? Well, we hope you didn't blink, because oil painter Eric Bailey's bringing his bewitching brushwork out of the atelier and into the Financial District's Nieto Fine Art gallery. The sharp, solo show titled "Even After All" will fete its opening with a reception tomorrow — wine, pretty paintings, and a DJ in tow. With imagery inspired by everything from passing time to everyday objects, this show is guaranteed to add a splash of creativity to your Friday night.
While fun is in the cards for all attendees, for those of you who can't come cut the rug with us art-slash-party-lovers this weekend, all hope is not lost. Since the exhibit will be on display until September 21, you've got plenty of time to choose which canvas is most covetable. Although, we have a feeling picking just one to call our favorite will prove to be impossible.
When: Friday, August 24, 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: Nieto Fine Art, 565 Sutter Street (between Mason and Powell streets); 415-393-4511.
Photo: Courtesy of Eric Bailey