The new Fabergé store is open, and on top of all the opulently decorated eggs and jewelry, it also features a dollhouse-sized replica of the Versailles mansion. Our 8-year-old selves are squealing inside. (Racked)
Apparently the small population of men that regularly get manis and pedis has spoken up: The city has started enforcing a little-known law shooting down sex-based pricing at NYC salons. No longer will men be treated differently, just because their feet are nastier. (Wall Street Journal)
Stop the presses: Anna Wintour was spotted laughing — yes, laughing — at lunch. She enjoyed a humorous lunch at Balthazar with Sarah Jessica Parker, and whatever SJP said, she's clearly got the magic touch with the icy editrix. (Daily News)
Critically-lauded (and heartwarming) flick The Intouchables comes to The Angelika this weekend — check it out if you're looking for a good MDW cry. Plus, the theater is giving away a signed copy of the movie poster. (Facebook)
If you're hungry (that's us!) and find your wallet a little lighter than usual (that's us too!), you need this guide to the best dining deals in the city. Use it to spend as little money as possible, or to get twice as much food as usual. (Eater New York)

Photo: Via Racked