Say What? Facebook Is Supposedly Just As Addictive As Smoking And Sex!

Sure, we all do it — wind up aimlessly scanning Facebook tons of times throughout the day. It’s become second nature to quickly pop on to pass some time and see what’s abuzz in the blogosphere and in our friends' lives. But, it really never dawned on us that our frequent check-ins could be a danger. Well, a recent study suggests that the desire to peruse Facebook is a temptation so tough to resist, it’s akin to smoking cigs and having sex. Who knew? The study polled subjects between the ages of 18 and 85 and asked them to rate the urge to check their social-media sites in comparison to other desires like sleeping, smoking, and sex. Peeping Facebook ranked just as high as the aforementioned behaviors. The reason? The seamless nature of social media — after all, one swipe of a button and you’re hooked, right? We kind of agree with the findings. What about you — are you totally wired in, too? Spill! (Mashable)

Photo: Via Mashable