Yesterday, a good friend asked me a question about Facebook.
"If someone tags me in a photo, but doesn't post it on my wall, will it show up?"
"Umm..." I replied, looking just as perplexed as he was.
"No, wait," he backtracked. "If he doesn't tag me, but posts it on my wall, can you see it?"
This went on for about twenty minutes before we settled anything, and that was when it dawned on me: Despite being an avid user of Facebook since my college days (many, many moons ago), I still have no idea how photo sharing works.
While this may seem like an insignificant nitpick, employers are increasingly turning to social media to vet potential employees. That means that picture of you doing a keg stand at your friend's barn party last weekend might be the difference between that plum new consulting gig and unemployment.
Being fully aware of their position as a next-gen resume alternative, Facebook has created a very helpful infographic on how to manage who sees what. So, now you can safely keep any debaucherous selfies away from human resources.
Unless, of course, you're applying for a job at Facebook. Then you're just screwed.