We're all for spotting uncanny resemblances, but casting-director-about-town Douglas Perrett and illustrator Andrea Marshall take facing off to a new level. Perrett just put up his top ten new faces for fall, which include, unsurprisingly, Tao Okamoto (the bowl-haired maven who inspired Phillip Lim's fall '09 haircuts) and mean-mugged Madisyn Ritland. But surprisingly, Marshall drew on and drew a link between Tao and Celopatra, Gracie Carvalho as Grace Jones, and Madisyn as...smiley face? Whether spot-on (Dorothea as Miuccia is just too good), funny (Karolin as Madonna), or just plain pretty, we're loving this new take on the bi-annual round-up of "It" faces. Click over to Confessions of a Casting Director to see more.