1Photo: Via Elizabeth Street
We're gonna say it now: Food trends are as fickle as fashion trends. Just like your gaucho pants went out of style, so too did cupcakes and chocolate fountains. So, it's only a matter of time before we got a new ingredient du jour — quinoa and kale have had their heyday, but it can't last forever.
Enter farro. The hearty grain offers a wealthy of healthy options, whether you steam it like rice, or dress it like lettuce. It's jam-packed with enough nutrients to rival even kale — think fiber, magnesium, and tons of vitamins. We may not be four-star chefs, but we do know our foods (healthy or not), and we're pretty positive farro is the next big thing in dining. To test out our theory, give one of these recipes a try. Sure, they may not be as visually stunning as our precious kale salads, but they'll get the job done just the same. (Elizabeth Street)

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