We all witnessed the rapid rise and fall of the Ed Hardy trucker hat (thanks to Britney, K Fed, and hordes of sartorially confused teens). Like other now-desperate dressing trends — rhinestone skull T-shirts, Juicy Couture sweatpants — we're starting to wonder if the fedora is about to suffer the same fate.
New York magazine recently demoted the topper to the “lowbrow/despicable” section of its famous Approval Matrix. That, coupled with the recent uprising of anti-fedora blogs, makes us fear the hat may soon be regulated to the too-tan, greasy, whiskered jeans-wearing, sunglasses-inside types who can be found dancing on banquettes at Pink Elephant. However, in a confusing twist, Stylelist recently spotted Skyler Berman (as in, Rachel Zoe's baby) hitting the streets of NYC sporting his very own dark brown fedora. Now, we know he's only a (aww-dorable!) tot, but this still has us taking pause—The Zoe-ster is the queen of all things fashionable, and she would never dream of dressing her little prince in anything that was on its way out. We mean, right?
What do you think: Is the fedora here to stay as a summertime staple, or is it a fashion no-no? (Stylelist)

Photo: Via Stylelist