Backstage at Vena Cava's presentation at the Chelsea Art Museum, a happy chaos ensued. Models were running late from other shows and the inclement weather threatened a poor turnout. Luckily, the girls were coiffed and glittered right on time and the happy masses milled the scene with their thoughtful gifts from Sophie Buhai and Lisa Mayock and Via Spiga—Vena Cava beer coozies and sturdy black umbrellas. Stylist Kate Young was the last one to touch the girls before they went out, painting silver and black glitter on their slicked-back hair. The duo shared stories of hand writing the Egyptian phrases and symbols that would become the print on a silk chiffon gown, and "baking the vest" (whatever that means). Later, Arden Wohl popped in, wearing a Vena Cava pink beer-can print gown from two seasons ago to get a closer look at those super hot leather leggings.

Meanwhile, on the stark white stage, Mayock and Buhai inspired us with the mysticism of Ancient Egypt. Using their signature hand-drawn prints and a darker, moodier palette mixed with swipes of mustard and mint, this collection was all about the details—silk frocks with metal trim, hieroglyphic-printed tops, worn leather jackets, and zippered leggings. The duo paired delicate beaded Egyptian collars with flowing silk gowns (scrawled with such words as Egyptomania, King Tut, Beetle, and Sphinx) along with suede studded booties and beaded sandals from their recent collaboration with Via Spiga. While the evocative sounds of White Magic's New Egypt filled the gallery, we're once again in love with the duo who never fail to deliver.
