Fashion Week is in the home stretch, which means it's time to rest our tired feet and reflect back on lessons learned. Besides the obvious raison d'etre, the clothes, NYFW is also an excuse for the industry's biggest names to rub elbows with other masthead leaders and A-list celebs. It's even been described as a high school reunion of sorts — where each show brings run-ins with former bosses, old friends, and even mortal enemies. Aside from dressing the part, Fashion Week attendees need to be knowledgeable about all kinds of party etiquette, especially the ever-important greeting.
Since we're more the hug-it-out type of partygoer, we're deferring to Fashionista's Illustrated Guide To Greeting People During Fashion Week. They've mapped it all out for the clueless (at least when it comes to manners), offering tips on everything from the air kiss (One cheek? Both cheeks? Lips?!) to proper handshake grip strength. If you've ever found yourself awkwardly left hanging, lips puckered, this is the guide for you. Study up so you can arrive to parties prepared, and leave the embarrassment to your dance moves. (Fashionista)

Photo: Via Fashionista