Beauty with Mi
I Get Ready In 20 Minutes Every Morning — Here's Everything I Use

Go inside the morning routine of a beauty writer.

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Are you a morning or a night person? It's one of life's big questions (you know, along with cats or dogs, and do you believe in God?). The answer could mean the difference between a crack-of-dawn yoga session versus a midnight movie showing — chances are you don't like both.
I'm a beauty writer who loves makeup, but considering I'm also a card-holding member of the night owl club, I don't have much time to do it when I get up. My 20-minute routine (that includes washing my face, putting on makeup, fixing my hair, and getting dressed) is planned down to the second; one wrong move and I'm running late to work.
Check out my morning beauty regimen in the video above and see below for a definitive list of my tried-and-true favorites for getting out the door quickly.
Beauty Editor Morning Routine Makeup SkinReleased on July 10, 2017