A Witch’s Wellness Routine In A Pandemic

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Welcome to Refinery29’s Feel Good Diaries, where we chronicle the physical and mental wellness routines of women today, their costs, and whether or not these self-care rituals actually make you feel good.
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Today: An astrologer uses sound bath meditation, glamour magic, and some yoga to feel her best.
Age: 40
Location: New York, NY
Occupation: Astrologer, tarot reader, magic practitioner, and writer
Salary: $50,000
Day One
6 a.m. — I do some light yoga for an hour, followed by positive manifesting for 30 minutes, in which I set my intentions for the day and clear my energy. This requires me to place crystals on my third eye chakra and other places that I feel are stressed. Then, I write my feelings in a journal (which I try to do almost every day), jotting down what creative insights I want to put into action during the day. I always feel rejuvenated after this. Magic in the morning is a great way to start off the day!
9 a.m. — I use some random magical ingredients in my cupboard to make a cup of herbal tea to jumpstart my day. I’m able to infuse my own blend of magic in the day to inspire myself. Food magic revs up my energy for the day and also relaxes the mind so I can concentrate better.
11 a.m. — I meditate and cleanse before a reading with a client. This allows me to tap into my own intuition, as well as my client’s energy. Most of the readings that I do require me to analyze the information given to me by the cosmos. But, when I am pulling tarot cards it’s important to utilize my client’s vibe to help me gain definitive answers to their questions. 
Daily Total: $0
Day Two
7 a.m. — I take a walk to pick some roses from the outside to make a bath with. Witches thrive in nature, it’s our home. So, naturally, I feel at peace with myself. I also make myself a big breakfast of vegetables and eggs to keep my stomach full of protein. 
11 a.m. — I use the flowers I picked to create a healing bath for myself. This helps to take all of my stresses away. I learned about herbalism from Annabel Gat, who I have studied astrology with for over 12 years. She introduced me to flowers, herbs, and essences as a natural way to reduce anxiety. 
1 p.m. — I use the leftover rose petals and infuse them in rose quartz-charged water to help my creativity when writing. I write horoscopes and astrology articles, as well as essays on magic. I also just completed two astrology books! I truly believe that drinking this infusion helps the words I write flow out of my heart easily.
Daily Total: $0
Day Three
10 a.m. — I’m feeling less than confident this morning, so I decide to practice some glamour magic. I put on makeup to bring opportunities to me (wearing pink lipstick is great to get creative projects) and state a few amazing affirmations while looking in the mirror.
1 p.m. — I put on my Himalayan salt lamp ($24) for some salt therapy. This makes me feel detoxed, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I believe that in order to have a centered body and mind, it’s important to work on one’s emotional wellbeing. This includes chakra care, meditation, and positive thinking.
4 p.m. — After a bunch of readings, I take a shower and dump Epsom salt ($9) all over my body to cleanse my aura. I’m exhausted after this, mostly because I’m getting rid of stale energy.
Daily Total: $33
Day Four
7 a.m. — I wake up and make some tea with cinnamon to boost my energy. This makes me feel both awake and alive.
10 a.m. — I light a white candle to help me concentrate on my meditations, which in turn makes me feel energetic and lighter. During my meditation, I really look inward and let my mind relax. I don’t concentrate on anything in particular, I just zone out. Not thinking helps me think — does that make sense?
2 p.m. — I take some time in my day to sing. This is a great tool to cleanse and strengthen the throat chakra, so that truth will always be a part of your life.
Daily Total: $0
Day Five
10 a.m. — I meditate to center myself, and it makes me feel like I am ready to take on the world.
3 p.m. — I take some time to dance to hits from the ‘80s, ‘90s, and Selena Gomez to open up my solar plexus. This releases pent up stress, energy, and tensions in the body.
5 p.m. — I use a back roller ($10) to release some tension in my back. This makes me feel like all the pain in my body has been released.
Daily Total: $10
Day Six
10 a.m. — I light a self-love candle and confidence-building candle to boost up my vibe and to ensure good things come my way. I usually make my own candles.
1 p.m. — I do some yoga and feel as though life was breathed into my body.
4 p.m. — I mix together some wellness oils — these are a form of aromatherapy that can make us feel relaxed and calm.
Daily Total: $0
Day Seven
10 a.m. — I do a sound bath meditation online, which makes me be able to channel positive energy to my space, which is important because I work from home. A sound bath meditation is an ultra-relaxing experience, to me at least. Chimes, bowls, or other magical instruments are used to decompress the mind. 
2 p.m — I smudge all of my technological devices with my smudge stick from ABC Home ($18). I feel the negativity detach from the communication I was having with others.
7 p.m. — Tonight is a full moon, so I decide to do some full moon magic. I take a healing lunar bath and use a lot of herbs to make a face mask to decompress and glow up my vibe.
Daily Total: $18
Weekly Total: $61Reflection: As a magical being, my wellness routine is very important to me. I have to make sure my tools (which include my body, heart, and mind) are clear and clean at all times by doing things such as dancing, singing, and practicing magic.

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