Wouldn't it be nice to know just who will be the next Alexander Wang? Will it be Niloufar Mozafari? Catherine Wong? Eileen Choi? Well, lucky for you, you can peep all the contenders at Noho hot-shop Début, which is hosting, along with Sang A Im-Propp and Lisa Weiss, the Third Annual Parsons Senior Showcase. Basically, the cutting-edge boutique compiles pieces from selected seniors at the design school, and then offers up the choice clothes to paying customers. This year, the crop of ten is particularly skilled—so put on your Tuesday best, mingle with fashion's future stars, and sip some bubbly while you play Project Runway. Maybe you'll buy a frock from a future CFDA winner: You know we trust your judgment!
New collections will be available for sale exclusively at Debut through June 20.
Début: Tuesday, June 15 from 6-8 p.m.
298 Mulberry Street (between Houston and Bleecker streets); 212-343-2717