The Right Way To Count Reps At The Gym

10.10tippagePhotographed by Lucy Hewett.
Knowing how to do an exercise correctly is the first step on your fitness journey. But then, you still have to do those reps — all of them. So, while you’re mentally prepping to do 15 burpees, 20 seated band-rows, and 25 squats, also try to remember to count down instead of up.
Research published in the Journal Of Consumer Psychology found that starting with the max number (i.e. 15 reps) and counting down shortens the perceived duration of the activity, which may make it feel easier. So, don't count from one to 25 sit-ups; count from 25 to 1. And, maybe you'll hate the task a little less.
While the mind game doesn’t actually shorten the number of reps you need to do, if it makes each one feel a little less tortuous, it’s worth a try. Three, two, one, contact.

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