This Is The Perfect Backpack For Going (& Sitting) Anywhere

Photo: Courtesy of Brando.
The great outdoors are great and all, but you know what there’s never enough of? Places to sit. Oh, sure, you can sit on the ground. But as the truly indoorsy among us know, there’s no substitute for a good chair. So, what’s an out-and-about couch potato to do? You could carry around an inflatable couch, but that requires its own separate bag for transport. For the truly lazy, consider the foldable backpack chair. Yes, with the same effort (and around the same weight) as a normal backpack, you can take the second-best piece of furniture (second only to the bed) with you wherever you go. The backpack chair retails for $75 from online retailer Brando. While that might be a bit steep, can you really put a price tag on laziness? (Gizmodo)

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