If you've been tracking The Pipeline, you'll see our recent interest in cool hosiery is no secret. Our latest fixation is the new collection from one of our favorite leggy labels, Hansel from Basel. This season, they turned out a whole new level of fetishes for the feet. Made of the yummiest cashmere-wool blend, many of their sweetest styles are accented with wood buttons or bits of embroidery. Personally, we're loving the patterned knee socks and those totally cute trompe l'oeil anklets.

Available at Steven Alan, 103 Franklin Street, New York, 212-343-0352; www.stevenalan.com and Creatures of Comfort, 7971 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, California, 323-655-7855; www.creaturesofcomfort.us. For more information go to www.hanselfrombasel.com.