Forget Botox! We’ve Got 5 New Face Fixers From NYC’s Top Derm

Admit it: Even though Botox makes you cringe and "lifting" of any kind is, like, DECADES in the future, you're still wondering what you can try to give your face a little refresher. While a great exfoliator and regular facials can do wonders to keep your skin in tip-top condition, occasionally we need to call in the big guns to deliver the light-handed "tweak" we've been craving. Naturally, we don't trust our pretty faces to just anyone. That's why we went straight to NYC's top derm: Dr. Soren White, who, very appropriately won't disclose all his famous clients. Dr. Soren, who's quite a looker himself, likes a less-is-more approach to improving your complexion, and attests that there's a treatment out there that can work for everyone. "Plastic surgery is definitely not the answer for everyone," he says. "In fact, there are a lot of interesting and effective new treatments on the market that can offer that seasonal refresher so many women are seeking." Curious? We were, too. So, here are five of the best and brightest beauty innovations you can add to your list of possibilities. From Latisse to Heliocare, Dr. White dishes the pros and cons for each one, helping you decide what's worth saving up for.

1. Sculptra: "It's an injectable collagen stimulator that smoothes lines and wrinkles and helps restore volume to the face."

The Pros: "The results are very natural and it does a better job than a traditional filler at giving your face a lift. Plus, it's ultimately more affordable. Another bonus: It can be combined with Thermage (a non-invasive face tightening and contouring procedure) for even more lift."

The Cons: "It can take a few months to see significant improvement and some people respond better than others to Sculptra."

2. Latisse: "It's a topical prescription solution to grow your eyelashes."

The Pros: "It really works!"

The Cons: "You have to keep using it to maintain the effects. It can sometimes irritate the eyelid skin."

3. UltraShape: "A new, completely non-invasive way to remove fat (using pulsed ultrasonic waves)."

The Pros: "There's no cutting, injecting, or bruising and patients only experience mild discomfort. And, it can easily be used all over the body."

The Cons: "It's not yet FDA approved, but probably will be available within the year. It usually takes a few treatments to see results, and somepeople respond better than others. Take note: It won’t be cheap. The cost for UltraShape could range around $1,000 to $1,500."

4. Heliocare: "A natural fern extract that helps reduce the harmful effects of sun exposure on the skin."

The Pros: “Heliocare helps protect your skin if you forget to apply sunscreen and, since it's taken in an oral capsule, it helps cover those hard-to-reach places."

The Cons: "It doesn’t replace SPF, so it's best to always use Heliocare and sunscreen together. The long term data on the results is still incomplete."

5. Active FX: "A fractionated carbon dioxide laser that's great for lifting off post-summer sun damage."

The Pros: "It can be set for both gentle or more aggressive treatment, depending on amount of damage. It also helps tighten skin."

The Cons: "The procedure often requires some downtime due to redness, swelling, or peeling—around two to seven days depending on the patient's level of treatment. And, it's not as easy to treat darker skin types using Active FX."

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