Foul!: Wong-Wong’s Nasty Footie Scarves

The famous footie scarf—a time-honored way of showing pride for your favorite soccer club and also a great way to start a bar fight (Celtic vs. Rangers, Man U vs. Liverpool, etc.). Now New-York based brand Wong Wong offers a whole new reason for someone to smack your gob with their somewhat prurient line of football wraps, "first_leg." Boasting traditional colors with more, um, controversial sentiments such as "Double Team," "Penetration," and "Hump and Run," Wood Wood takes sport-based puns to a new, unsavory place. Given the bold designs and classic looks, we can certainly recommend them as a sporty way to spike up your fall wardrobe. We also recommend wearers to watch their backs in the company of less well-humored pub patrons.
Wong Wong's scarves are available at