In between adjusting fits, wrangling models, and prepping his show, Frank Tell kept snapping away with his Fujifilm Instax cam to give you, dear readers, a sneak peek into his pre-Fashion Week world.

"The collection arrives at the studio: I get so excited and inspect every single stitch and trim to make sure it looks amazing."

"We start fittings. I love finally seeing the collection on a real girl. Laura looks gorgeous!"

Above, from left: "Its 1 a.m. and we need a sugar break. We go to CVS to get candy and the whole store is filled with red balloons for Valentine's day. I adore this cute SpongeBob heart!!!" "The collection arrives at the Greg Mills Showroom the day after my presentation. I am so happy and excited now that I get to work right away on my next collection. Hard work pays off!"

"Hair and Make-up test starts. I'm so happy to work again with Amy Farid from Bumble and bumble for hair. Vincent Longo is doing our make-up and he is amazing."