It's got to be tough only having a birthday once every four years — so few parties as a grade-schooler, potentially a quarter of the presents others get, the whole notion of forgetting you even have a birthday.... What a bummer, right? Well, Georgetown cupcake shop Sprinkles is trying to atone for some of the wrongs the traditional calendar has inflicted upon Leap Year babies.
If your special day is February 29, stop by the shop next Wednesday with a valid ID showing your birthday as 2/29, and snag a dozen cupcakes for free. That's right — free!
So, you can reward those who happen to remember your special day with a delish, freshly baked treat that doesn't cost you a dime. Our pick? A mixed box of red velvet (our weakness), peanut butter chocolate, coconut lemon, and chocolate marshmallow. But you know, it's your birthday — so you can have your (cup)cake and eat it, too.
When: Wednesday, February 29, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Sprinkles, 3015 M Street NW; 202-450-1610.
Where: Sprinkles, 3015 M Street NW; 202-450-1610.
Photo: Via Sprinkles