Endovanera finds a new home on Glendale in Sunset.
By Jason Wilson

David Hershberger and Mitch Moseley, the twin brains of Endovanera, have found a new niche for their collection and production studio in the newly designed Front St., nestled near the bridge on Glendale. "I really wanted to merge all my avenues of fashion together into one place (design, production, and display) in order to fully translate my message as it was originally intended," says Hershberger. Opting out of the dismal, heavily trafficked storefront space, the designers chose an inconspicuous location that would suit their vision of a minimalist studio gallery. "We like to remain a bit under the radar and allow people to seek us out," says Moseley. Despite the discrete location, there will be no shortage of rail-thin hipsters to pay the sartorial toll—Front St. will keep the same hours as its neighbor, L.A.'s indie music bastion, the Echoplex.

The designers are most excited about returning to their original fashion roots, "making custom jeans out of an old boathouse for friends," says Hershberger. This month however, they graduate from a boathouse to a spacious gallery appointed with custom hand-welded racks and antique French clocks and lighting fixtures. Along with the full range of items from their collection, each of Endovanera's designs from current and past seasons will be available for custom construction at Front St., where shoppers can browse a library of over 100 fabrics and hardware selections. David himself drafts custom patterns and carefully sews samples using an heirloom sewing machine in the open studio. "Letting the consumer see this allows them to appreciate how much work is involved in each garment," says Moseley.

Having been focused on their growing wholesale side over the past few seasons, Hershberger and Moseley were unable to fully delve into the bespoke aspect of their business, that which was their initial cornerstone. But the tide has turned. "Providing this service to customers allows for the label to retain the grassroots exclusivity we constantly strive to maintain," says Mosely.
Front St., 1154 South Glendale Boulevard, Echo Park; 213-413-6666.
Endovanera finds a new home on Glendale in Sunset.