Watch A Brooklyn Woodworker Make Pieces You’ll Obsess Over

Finding handmade art in New York City is a little trickier than perusing Etsy. Sure, you can close your eyes and picture every bodega within a quarter-mile radius of your apartment, but when was the last time you stumbled into a glassblower's shop, or watched a bike get upcycled?  Ever-bold boot manufacturer The Frye Company is lending a hand in the hunt for NYC-based handicraft. In its upcoming, multi-part Instagram documentary entitled #MeetOurMakers, The Frye Company will capture 20 artisans doing their part to provide New York with quality locally-made goods.  Each mini-documentary (or "docu-gram") will last 15 seconds, just enough to showcase a potter mid-throw or a woodworker sawing through reclaimed timber.  Take Brooklyn-based Ariele Alasko, for example. After graduating from Pratt, Alasko began scouring historic Brooklyn buildings for salvageable wood to turn into art, furniture, and most recently, spoons. Wonder how she makes the most basic of materials come to life? Take an exclusive look inside her workshop, below. 

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