Why This Weekend's Full Moon Wants You To Chill Out

Photographed by Michael Beckert.
The Halloween season just ended, but, according to just about every storefront we've passed since then, it's already holiday season. This time of year can feel nonstop — luckily, a brief respite is upon us.
As if this month's full moon wasn't spiritually fortuitous enough, it's in the sign of Taurus and it coincides with Daylight Saving time. In other words, this is your invitation to stay in, veg out, and maybe finally organize your medicine cabinet.
Earlier this week, the moon may have compelled you to embrace the Halloween spirit and go out on a Tuesday, perhaps incurring a Wednesday morning hangover in the process. This weekend's full moon will be a brilliant counterpoint to that previous energy. Where the moon was hanging out in Pisces when it inspired you to go all out with your Halloween look, it's now scooting into lovable, luxuriating Taurus. This earth sign loves nothing more than finding and settling into a routine — preferably one that prominently features rest, relaxation, and even a little retail therapy.
Taureans tend to be creatures of habit, but don't let that lead you to believe this lunar phase will be boring. For one thing, this chilled-out energy meshes perfectly with the mood most people aim for during Daylight Saving time anyway: Savor that extra hour of sleep by splurging on a light-canceling eye mask or prepare a lazy Sunday brunch for your closest friends.
DST aside, when the moon aligns with an earth sign, we usually feel a little more grounded and down to, well, earth. This weekend could bring about a moment of facepalm-worthy clarity. The solution to your problems might have been in front of you all this time. You can also harness these practical vibes and finish those menial household tasks once and for all (is your crowded, disorganized fridge calling your name?).
It's up to you how you honor this new lunation, but, if you need us, we'll definitely be catching some extra Zs this weekend.
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