Jacke: "It’s a really big world, but when you’re young it seems like a really small world where it's just people you know and the high school you go to... Ther truth is, as long as you’re being who you are, there’s a place for you."
Both: "Surreal. Honestly, just surreal."
Growing up, who inspired you guys musically?
Nate: "Oh jeez, a lot of ‘80s music like MDC and The Cure. We really do fucking love everything.
Jack: "It probably all started with The Beatles, and then I guess it goes out from there. Springsteen… Fleetwood Mac… I mean, that’s all so inherent in us that when we’re making records now, we take a lot from the artists who are around us."
Jack: "We’ve talked about it to death but Kanye really has been a huge part of us wanting to make records."
Nate: "I think our particular sound has come by just not adhering to any specific sound. For us, it’s about the song, and being able to fit in to what is appropriate. When we sit down, we’re not talking about what type of band we’re gonna be within a specific genre — there’s a uniqueness to all of us individually that throws putting anything in a box out the window."
Jack: "Well, we don’t go out unless there’s a dinner involved…"
Okay, so let slip where you like to dine!
Nate: "We love the Knickerbocker. And we just went to a bar in Grand Central, that was pretty cool. Where else? Jack loves the Mercer Kitchen.
Jack: "It’s a good restaurant, it gets a bad rap! I used to love Blue Ribbon. I go to the same places over and over again, trying to drag people with me."
Photo: Courtesy of Fun