Kasia Struss employs the "keep the tag, return later" policy in the pages of
. (Fashion Gone Rogue)
Can't figure out what to get that one oddball on your list? How about a coinpurse shaped as a live frog? (Is Mental)
Frog coinpurse not special enough for you? May we tempt you with a SpongeBob SquarePants helmet? (SlamxHype)
From the halls of Vogue to the halls of...Kohls... Annie Leibovitz is paying back that giant sum she owes by shooting Britney Spears in the new Candies for Kohl's campaign. (Nitrolicious)
Apparently, 92% of women remember the first pair of shoes they bought for themselves. Only 67% of women remember their first kiss. We're 100% sure this survey was bogus considering it was done by a shoe storage retailer, Tszuji. (Stylelist)
John Galliano is making clothes for men. Now the guys can get their own cleavage-baring tops and sparkles, too! (The Independent)
Tom Ford's
A Single Man
gets three Golden Globe nominations. Colin Firth gets a nod for making it to third base with another dude. (Variety)
For those engaging in Hanukkah Harry instead of Secret Santa, here's a little tune to put you in the mood. (Chevonne)
[Miss J] got up and, pointing to a wall of pictures, told me to imagine they were photographers. "Here's the face that you want," he said, assuming a cool, almost beatific gaze, and he began to walk. "I hate my teeth, I hate the world today. I'm getting paid 10 grand. I'm starving. I want a sandwich." He came to a halt just before the pictures. There was just the tiniest hint of triumphalism in his smile. "Now you try it," he said. I set off down the carpet thinking about a sandwich." - Cathy Horyn channels what models really want at the end of that runway. (NYTimes)