Pulling off thick, black mod eyeliner can be challenging for the fair-skinned, but Dakota Fanning shows us that the key is lining only on top, while keeping the rest of the eye—and face—subdued. The star of The Runaways sports some serious rock 'n' roll raccoon eyes in the film, but her preferred red carpet look is a little more elegant and unaffected. A felt-tipped liquid eyeliner pen will help you keep a cleaner line than the paintbrush variety, and a tube-technology mascara like Blinc ensures your lashes last. Accentuate those assets with a brightening shampoo by John Frieda and sheer mineral powder makeup by Dior that lets freckles poke through. Finish it off with a mauve blush, and you've got a look that's youthful and bright-eyed.
Above, clockwise from left: Photo of Dakota Fanning via Photo Agency; Clinique Blushing Blush Powder Blush in Smoldering Plum $19, available at Sephora; John Frieda Sheer Blonde Highlight Activating Enhancing Shampoo for Lighter Shades, $6.49, available at Drugstore.com; Diorskin Nude Natural Glow Fresh Powder Makeup SPF 10 in Ivory, $46, available at Sephora; Blinc Kiss Me Mascara, $24, available at Sephora; Covergirl LineExact Liquid Liner in Very Black, $5.99, available at Drugstore.com.