Generally, here, we're all above the L-O-V-E. But every now and again, we find ourselves scratching our heads over things (and yes, people), that seem to fascinate the zeitgeist. Whether you're addicted to Real Housewives or have no idea who Christian Siriano even is, this list of fashionable question marks always seems to keep us guessing… and talking..

They don't seem to be housewives, and we're pretty sure they aren't real (one of them isn't even a wife!). These five ladies (including Gilles Bensimon's Ex) may be from New York, but that's no good reason to expose Bryant Park (or anywhere else for that matter) to their superficial toxicity.

Potential crimes against nature: Fleeting taste, little self-awareness, sparkly things everywhere. Also, "Fabulosity" not in the dictionary. We checked.

We love, love, love this woman. But we'd never, ever cross her path. The fact that she invited Ashley Dupré to Fashion Week only underlines how badass she is.

Many years ago, an Australian friend told us a joke about "UGG girls" and we had no idea what she meant. Then these abominations washed ashore here and, unfortunately, we got it. The other week we overheard a bunch of jocks talking about how they wanted their own pairs. We cried.

Okay, this elven Project Runway winner was incredibly cute and wildly talented when he first surfaced. But, like a child star, he has become a bit awkward—just think of his spike-covered Nine West collection. Bring back all those amazing clothes and the "hot trannie mess." It's why we fell in love with you in the first place.

Okay, she's got a great haircut. Really great. But what else? Now Aggy and what seems to be her two expressions on are buses, billboards, tabloids, television—even in our dreams—and we can't turn away.

She's so prudy. The kind of sweet girl you want to set up with your brother. And, yet, The City on MTV has turned her into some sort of blonde deer caught in the headlights of New York. We love to watch her struggle through unfair editing and bad advice, but we'd love to take her for tapas and give her some real direction even more. Email us!

We watch, listen, and discuss with pure obsession. But we're afraid of saying too much that's good or bad and getting sued. How much would saying, "We die," cost us?

Remember when she was a luminous catwalker? We do. Now she's got a microphone and absolutely no filter on it. She's God's gift to Joel McHale.

Through drugs, murder scandals, plastic surgery, and everything else, he's hung to the edge of the spotlight with all the colors of the Pantone rainbow. We'd say he's become a parody of himself, but, if anything, he's the most consistent person in all of fashion. He's not campy. Richie Rich IS camp.
Please, add your personal obsessions or vent on ours in the comments.