Pleated poofy pants, boxy jackets, and secretary dresses…yes, some garments personify the best and worst of '80s fashion. But really, it's not so much which '80s gem you're wearing but how you're wearing it. That's why we love Liz Claiborne (Sport, especially). This icon of American sportswear made brilliant tailored vests, Marc Jabobs-worthy cropped baggy trousers, and divine little dresses with gorgeous prints you wouldn't see anywhere else. Here are a few finds that translate well to modern times.
Black "Bowler" Hat—A granny chapeau that might need some ribbon removal.
Vintage Striped Satin Purse—Tuck in the straps and use as a clutch.
Vintage Striped Satin Purse—Tuck in the straps and use as a clutch.
Vintage Floral Dress—Definitely not with the red tights. But definitely cute.
Silk Jumpsuit—The romper with some sex appeal.
Portrait by Bernard Gotfryd/Hulton Archive/Getty Image