Industry insiders know the names Alexis Maybank and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson well. The ladies are the two brains behind daily-deals megahit Gilt and their new book,
By Invitation Only: How We Built Gilt and Changed the Way Millions Shop,
is the entrepreneur's new bible. In their tome, the startup savants unpack their success brick-by-brick click-by-click, and this Wednesday night, they'll do it live at The W Southbeach. The tickets are going for $45, but the ask-and-answer session (plus tons of swag) will make it worth your while. If you like listening to brilliant businesswomen, 20% Gilt discounts, inscribed copies of By Invitation Only, Chandon bubbly, and Vosges truffles, then buy your tix here! With them, you'll get to go to the event, plus you'll be eligible to win either a meal hosted by one of the founders or a two-hour shopping consultation at your favorite boutique!
Where: W South Beach Hotel & Residences, 2201 Collins Avenue (between 22nd and 23rd streets); 305-938-3000.

Photo: Courtesy of Gilt Groupe