5 Hacks For A Healthier Week — Nov 29 2015

Photographed by Rockie Nolan.
Make the most of your Google mobile app with these clever health hacks. Our favorite is definitely the recently added guide to over 100 yoga poses. It's a holiday weekend, and we can't begrudge you getting a little extra rest. But, for those of you who want the best of both worlds, here are four ab-toning moves you can do from the comfort of your bed. On the other hand, you might need a little extra motivation if you're keeping up with your regular workout schedule over the holiday. Feel free to borrow a workout mantra from any of these incredible female athletes. Yep, they're just like us. What is the next kale? (This question has been keeping us up at night, too.) Check out these eight up-and-coming superfoods to stay ahead of the health-trend curve. Finally, stop overlooking these winter veggies; add them to your seasonal rotation.

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