Grand Finale: The Last Week of Stylish Steals From Save Fashion Brings Out $72 Whyred Wedges, $50 Lorick Duds, and More…

All good things must end, and though it's officially the last week of our designer discount nirvana pop-up shop (um, Save Fashion, in case you've been living under a rock), we wouldn't say goodbye without leaving you some parting gifts to remember us by. For all you Gossip Girl fans, Lorick's tanks, shorts, and dresses are almost all under $100, which means you can look like Blair Waldorf without spending more than she would on a bejeweled and bedecked headband. If you're of a tougher disposition, there are Alejandro Ingelmo bullet shoes, just like the ones we gushed about, for $200 (down from $680). Meanwhile, a whole bevy of Made Her Think accessories—think studded cuffs, bangles, rings (including Rihanna's favorite, the talon ring), and woven belts—are all going for around $40. And an enviable pair of Whyred wedges, which our Style Director wore today to swoons around the room, are just $72. Amazing. Now go quick before you flock the city for Memorial Day, and be the envy of every Hamptons pool-side lounger when you show up in your brand-new wardrobe…which probably cost less than one night at the Maidstone.
Above, from left: A rack of summery Doucette Duvall duds; Whyred wedges for just $72!

Above, from left: Made Her Think cuffs and bangles, from $40; a rack of Sunshine & Shadow's easy, printed silk wares.

Above, from left: A printed Lorick T-shirt for just $50 (was $172); Alejandro Ingelo's stunning patent bullet heels, $200 (were $680).