To say that working at Refinery29 makes dreams come true is admittedly pretty cliché around here. But sometimes, clichés are the best way to describe our very intense feelings. This week, we had an extra-special visitor come by the office – a rather frowny-faced feline who, despite having a rather cranky disposition, brought real joy to our hearts.
Grumpy Cat herself came by for a visit and let us inquire about some hard-hitting fashion news — because, as everyone knows, there is nothing more fashionable than being jaded and cranky.
Then, as an extra-special gift, we proceeded to let Grumpy raid United Bamboo's cat couture collection. And she didn't disappoint, picking out her (and our) favorite thing to wear. (Yes. Grumpy cat in clothes. Commence hyperventilation now.)
The result is thrilling. And despite the constant frown, we can assure you of this: No feelings were hurt in the filming of this video.
Thanks to Tabatha, Crystal, and Bryan Bundesen