Get your mind out of the gutter. The saucy title for this new rag does not refer to any naughty acts within. In fact Swallow is a highbrow tome that's one part art, one part food with a little bit of fashion sprinkled on top. Founder James Casey took time away from his busy schedule as art director to bring together a network of hip and hungry friends to collaborate on the first issue, with emphasis on Nordic cuisine. The magazine, which is hard bound, came about after Casey, who is also elbow deep in the editorial world, felt the need to find an outlet to rant and rave about his experiences with grub, from superb to surreal. As you know, we've been feeling especially magazine-crazed lately, and Swallow seems like hearty visual meal we've been craving.

Available at various locations including Universal News and Idlewild Books. For More Information go to: www.swallowmagazine.com