Why You Should Skip The Gym Tonight

Photographed by Danny Kim.
The best day of the week to go to the gym isn’t today — not if you want to beat the crowds, that is. According to Jawbone's recently released data (obtained from its UP band fitness tracker users), our activity levels peak on Mondays.
No surprise there: A little exercise feels good after that weekend splurge / Netflix marathon. And, while these bands track general movement (which doesn’t have to take place at the gym), the Jawbone data also shows that Monday and Tuesday see the the most logged cross-training, running, cardio, and elliptical workouts. (Users can manually input this type of classification data on the device’s app.)
So, if you don’t want to wait in line for a treadmill — or deal with the drama of no available weights — go ahead and skip the gym tonight. But, that’s not an excuse to do nothing. (What, did you think we'd been replaced by our fit-phobic alter egos?) Instead, we suggest this simple and quick body-weight workout that you can do anywhere.

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