It was the strangest thing: Last season we watched gape-mawed as designers sent models down the runway adorned with accessories made with what looked like human hair. Zero by Maria Cornejo's blond neck-tassel and VPL's hirsute cuff (with ostensibly bad roots) baffled us—but nothing could compare to the befuddlement we experienced when we spotted their hairy sisters in shops. For sale. To buy. NY-based designer Bijules created an entire collection of fuzzy necklaces, earrings and headpieces. Even more bizarre is the rhinestone encrusted loop of hair by Julia Valle that mimics a dainty necklace perched atop a strategically shaven Chewbacca. And speaking of Star Wars, we could definitely see Limi Feu's hairy headphones atop a certain galactic Princess. We're not going to lie, the whole trend weirds us out, but are we the only ones unwilling to board the Tresses Train? Should hair belong on your head, or would you wear it on your ears, wrists, and—heaven forbid—around your neck, too?
Above from left: Bijules hair chain, $220, available at Pixie Market; Victoria Bartlett for VPL Fall 2009, image from Style.com; Bijules hairball, $229, available at BijulesNYC; Twisted Tails necklace, $250, available at Twisted Tails.

Above, clockwise from left: Bijules hairy chest, $335, buy at BijulesNYC; Limi Feu headphones, image from Public Personae, originally from Nylon Mag; Julia Valle jeweled necklace, available at JuliaValle.com.
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