After all the cleavage-baring, leg-thrusting, and hair-flipping ladies do these days, it's only fair men should have to show a little skin in the name of fashion every once in a while, no? Designer Hannes Kettritz certainly seems to agree, as demonstrated by a number of butt-baring ensembles featured on the runway in Germany this week. The models appeared clothed in a typical fashion-y way from the front, but when they turned to walk back down the catwalk, viewers were taken (pleasantly?) by surprise when the transparent coat backs revealed totally nude bods underneath.
Berlin is known to be the wild card of fashion shows (Patrick Mohr, anyone?), but this is a new kind of weird. Though to be honest, we're not sure we exactly dislike it. Given the appetite whetted by a recent stripper film, we're sort of in the mood for men's butts these days. What about you? (Styleite)
Photo: Luca Teuchmann/Getty Images